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Directions to Aloha Junction Bed & Breakfast

GPS:Latitude: 19.429434, Longitude: -155.237031


Aloha Junction Bed and Breakfast - 19-4037 Olapalapa Rd, Volcano, HI  96785

Direction to Aloha Junction Signthe Aloha Junction - Volcano Village from Hilo - about 1 mile before the entrance to Hawaii Volcano National Park. 

In short, we are located inside Volcano Village ~off of the Old Volcano Road. and the 2nd house behind the Post Office.

  • From Hilo airport get on Hwy 11 driving south towards the Hawaii Volcano National Park.
  • Keep a look out for the mile markers along the road. When you get between mile markers 26 & 27, start looking for roads leading to Volcano Village.
  • You can turn Right on Wright Road and then take a LEFT at the Stop Sign which will put you on Old Volcano Road.
  • The next Road after Wright Road will be Haunani Road,  with the Volcano Store, gas pump and Eagles Lighthouse cafe on the corner.
  • The next private road is Olapalapa Rd. That's our road.
  • Look for the big, oval B&B sign go down that road.
  • The Volcano Post office will be on your left.
  • Swing around to the front of the house and park. You've arrived!

To go to the National Park:  simply back track to the Post Office and turn Right onto the Old Volcano Road again.From there the road will  merge onto Hwy 11~ and within 1 mile you'll be at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park entrance!